NJFishandWildlife - Annual Trout Stocking Meeting
"The annual Trout Stocking Meeting will be held virtually this Saturday, March 6 at 10:00 a.m.! Anglers are encouraged to attend and ask questions, voice their opinions and give suggestions regarding New Jersey's trout stocking program."
This year's meeting will include the following topics:
• 2020 Stocking Summaries and 2021 Hatchery Production
• Adjustments to the 2021 spring trout stocking program, including the accelerated stocking plan and important date changes
• A comment period at the end of the program will be held so everyone in attendance has the chance to engage in meaningful discussion and ask questions of the biologists and fish culture staff.
Meeting log in information will be updated here: www.njfishandwildlife.org/news/2021/troutmeeting21.htm
Subscribe to the Freshwater Fishing E-mail List to receive an email when log in instructions are available: www.njfishandwildlife.org/lstsub.htm
Reference: www.njfishandwildlife.com