We are pleased to announce that Ridge and Valley Trout Unlimited has won a $6,000 dollar Embrace A Stream Grant.  The Lopatcong Creek Floodplain, Riparian and Habitat Restoration Project will provide a healthy riparian buffer along New Jersey’s only true limestone spring creek and the “home river” of the Ridge & Valley Chapter.


Lopatcong Creek flows into the Delaware River in the city of Phillipsburg and is home to both native brook trout and wild brown trout in northwest NJ. The stream flows through former agricultural fields that are now preserved public lands. Bank erosion caused by farming too closely and a lack of native buffer has had lasting negative impacts on in-stream habitat. The goals for the larger project which covers over one mile include in-stream habitat restoration, riparian reforestation, and floodplain reconnection by restoration in 2019. Both sites were recently purchased by their respective townships for public open space, and fishing and other recreation opportunities are as important to the towns as reconnecting the stream to its floodplain. Ridge & Valley TU has approached both Rahway River and Ray Neirle South Jersey chapters to partner for volunteer help. Other partners include TU, North Jersey Resource Conservation Development, NJ Audubon Society, Lopatcong Creek Initiative, NJTU State Council, Warren County Department of Land Preservation, and the towns of Phillipsburg and Lopatcong.