
Ridge & Valley Trout Unlimited (RVTU) is New Jersey's newest and most ACTIVE Trout Unlimited chapter.  Trout Unlimited is a national non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of coldwater habitat for trout, associated aquatic species, and people.  Local chapters are in all 50 states. The chapter meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (except July and August) at Knights of Columbus, 142 Liberty street, Hackettstown, NJ at 7:30 pm. All chapter meetings are open to the general public.


Formed and chartered in 2010, RVTU is based in Northwestern New Jersey.  RVTU's home base is in Warren and northern Hunterdon county.  Most of the New Jersey waterbodies that can sustain populations of wild and holdover trout are located in the northwestern part of the state.  Streams in RVTU's home base include the Musconetcong (Musky) River, Pequest River, Pohatcong Creek, Lopatcong Creek, the lower Paulins Kill River, and numerous smaller wild trout streams.  


RVTU members are highly active in hands-on coldwater conservation projects including native tree and shrub plantings to shade the rivers, stabilize banks, and filter runnoff from man made surfaces.  We also do stream clean ups and advocate to protect of coldwater resources in NJ and beyond. 

Members also work with other volunteer groups to give back to the community.  This includes Casting For Recovery, Project Healing Waters, and Wounded Warriors.  


Casting for Recovery is a women's breast cancer recovery group,

Project Healing Waters helps veterans recover from the mental burdens of war (such as PTSD), and Wounded Warriors helps veterans recovery from physical injuries sustained during war.


Furthermore, chapter members also perform community outreach and are involved in our Trout In the Classroom (TIC) programs in Warren County schools.

We are always working on coldwater conservation projects.  We host volunteer events every month, and have a very active chapter Facebook page. We highly recommend you connect with us there by clicking the "Find us on facebook button" below.  If you are not on Facebook, but would like to contact us, Chapter President Jim Kinney would be happy to hear from you via email.  jim_kinney@comcast.net


Please come out and join us.  You will find our members engaged in coldwater conservation projects year round.  Also, equally as important, you will find them a friendly and inviting group from the greater Warren County, NJ area. 


How to contact us:


Email Chapter President Jim Kinney:  jim_kinney@comcast.net or
join our Facebook group: Ridge & Valley Trout Unlimited



We gladly accept donations which are tax deductible.


Please make check(s) out to 'Ridge and Valley Trout Unlimited' and send to the following address.


Ridge and Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited
82 Main Street
Califon, NJ 07830


Current Local Weather & Stream Flows: 

Click for weather forecast


USGS Gauge Measured Local Trout Stream Flows:


USGS Mobile Water Data is a good website to get current stream flow information from mobile devices, and the site works on PCs too!